Sunday, August 23, 2009

Garofalo Shows her Softer Side

Isn't this getting a bit old? Janeane Garofalo uses a barrage of insults to refer to anti-ObamaCare protesters, referring to them as "racists, functionally retarded adults," and "teabaggers." Seems like Janeane is in need of a little bit of attention. My dog, Sam, does this when we don't give her a treat or play with her, or when she needs a walk.

Maybe Janeane needs a walk or a good chew toy.

Well, I'll just let Jack Bauer deal with this one..Jack?

Thank you Jack.
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Halster said...

Thanks Man I will never get that 2 min and 57 seconds back. its gone forever and now i am dumber for listening to her.

Halster said...

Thanks Man I will never get that 2 min and 57 seconds back. its gone forever and now i am dumber for listening to her.

christmasghost said...

What Janeane really needs is a good smack with a rolled up newspaper.
Or maybe a shock collar...although I'm pretty sure she would actually like that....hmmm.